Naruto chronicles the exploits of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja in training. Born an orphan, Naruto is a jokester who will do anything to get attention. His body serves as a prison for the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon, which 15 years ago came dangerously close to destroying the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
As the teenage Naruto develops from a brattish misfit to a potent ninja with the potential to become the next Hokage, or the leader of Konoha village, the 39-volume (and counting) series takes readers on an epic journey.


When demons attack a family, Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko, who is gradually becoming a demon, are the only two survivors. To exact revenge on his family and heal his sister, Tanjiro decides to train as a demon slayer.


The plot follows Asta and Yuno as they rise through the ranks of the Order of the Magic Knights in the Clover Kingdom under the watchful eyes of the nobles to eventually become the Magic Emperor. The title, however, is only kept for one mage. Who will win the coveted distinction of the kingdom's strongest mage—Asta or Yuno?


A good-hearted teen named Yuji Itadori joins his school's occult club for entertainment purposes but learns that its members are real sorcerers who can control the energy between beings for their own purposes. He learns that a cursed talisman known as the demon Sukuna's finger is being pursued by other cursed beings. To defend his friends, Yuji consumes the finger, and as a result, he becomes Sukuna's host. But Yuji learns that he has magic that he can control on his own, free of Sukuna's interference. He enrols in the Tokyo Metropolitan Magic Technical College in order to eat every one of Sukuna's fingers, allowing for a thorough exorcism that will set him free.


In essence, Boruto is the next generation of Naruto, and the story picks up where Naruto left off, where they encountered new, formidable foes and how they handled them.

That's all for today's blog about best shounen animes , will see you on another blog. Please follow and share my blog for such awesome content. 
