Mikey is typically a happy teenager who enjoys making jokes and pulling practical jokes on people he considers to be his close friends. He loves them dearly and will stop at nothing to preserve their honor. He hardly ever displays any signs of weakness because he considers himself to be Toman's pillar and support, and if the pillar showed signs of weakness, Toman would also be weakened. His aura dramatically changes as Toman's leader, becoming imposing and domineering. While the members of Toman respect Mikey, they also have some level of awe for him and his incredible strength.

The incidents that take place throughout the narrative force Mikey to develop quickly. Although he continues to be a very charismatic leader, there is now a gloomy undercurrent. Undoubtedly, Mikey harbors a deep darkness. He must carry the weight of his troubled past, toeing the line between choosing the right course and giving in to the darkness. He typically covers this up with a smile. Without the right mentors, he loses his integrity and develops into one of the most heinous criminals of our time. Make sure Mikey never strays from the truth again is one of Takemichi's major goals.

Even in those situations where Mikey gives in to that darkness, he exhibits contradictory traits of personality and actions. He acts with cold indifference and a poker face, committing numerous atrocities or otherwise enabling his enforcers to carry them out, and even appears to be drawn to and seeking to embrace a life of violence. He is even capable of injuring or even shooting dead dear friends in the chaos he helps create. Aware that he won't be able to control his impulses, he likely tries to distance himself from his friends at the same time. He also tries to avoid taking control of his crew, even going so far as to attempt suicide in an effort to find solace and put an end to the chaos he helped to start.

That's all for today's blog about manjiro mikey, will see you on another. Please follow and share for more awesome blog.
