In the manga and anime, Kakashi is the Hideen Leaf Jounin tasked with training and supervising Team 7, which consists of Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura. He is also referred to as Kakashi of the Sharingan or Copy Ninja Kakashi.

These aliases allude to the fact that he duplicated more than a thousand jutsu (ninja techniques) using his left eye, which possesses the Sharingan, a rare bloodline ability found only in a select few members of the now-extinct Uchiha clan. His left Sharingan-activated eye's pupil, which has three comma-like marks arranged in a wheel, indicates that it is fully developed for a normal Sharingan and only has one more level — Mangeky Sharingan. 

On his first mission as a Jonin, his teammate, the dying Uchiha Obito, actually gave him the Sharingan eye. In a struggle to defend Obito, Kakashi suffered a left eye injury on that mission, leaving a scar. The wound was caused by the same slash that removed his original eye. It was recently revealed in manga chapter 277 that Kakashi evolved his Sharingan into the Mangekyou... with a twist. His Mangekyou Sharingan can warp time and space, though its full potential has not yet been discovered.

This concludes today's blog about kakashi, we'll speak with you in our next entry. Please visit my website and let others know about it.
